Hlavní obsah

jim s

jim(to) them

onhe, him

s, sewith, on

jím(by) him

jísteat*, take* meals, dine

Vyskytuje se v

brát: Neber ji s sebou.Don't take her with you.

dovést: Doveďte ho s sebou.Bring him with you.

je: Vezmi je s sebou.Take them with you.

nuda: Je s ním strašná nuda.He is such a bore.

ono: Ono se to snadno řekne ...It is easier said than done ...

podiv: Je s podivem, že ...It is surprising that ...

přivést: Přiveď ho s sebou.Bring him along.

sranda: Je s ním sranda.He's fun to be with.

svůj, svá, své, svoje: on se svými rodičihe with his parents

topit se: On se topí!He is drowning!

vztahovat se: Na se to nevztahuje.It doesn't apply to them.

zábava: Je s ním zábava.He is fun to be with.

drown: He's drowning!On se topí!

either: She didn't speak to him either.Ona s ním také nemluvila.

no: There's no arguing with him.S ním se nelze hádat.

wrong: What's wrong with you?Co je s tebou?, Jsi v pořádku?

say: Easier said than done.Ono se to snadno řekne. ale horší je to udělat